
Super-Villains Trading Cards

These are the DC Comics Super-Villains trading cards and sets available for sale by W.L. Swarts Enterprises! For an overview of the set, please check out my review at: DC Comics Super-Villains Trading Card Set Review!

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2 Super-Villains Forever Evil Gold Parallels FE4 & FE7 Deadshot #1 & Scarecrow #1 - 25/25 - MATCHING #s!
These are two Forever Evil Gold Parallel chase cards with matching 25/25 collector's numbers FE4 & FE7, Deadshot #1 & Scarecrow #1 from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

2 Super-Villains Gold Parallel 26 & 40 Deathstroke & Merlyn - 14/25
These are two Gold Parallel chase cards with matching 14/25 collector's numbers 26 & 40, Deathstroke & Merlyn from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Common Card Set - 63 Cards w/wrapper!
This is the complete common card set of DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Of America Card Set - 6 Chase Cards!
This is the complete Crime Syndicate Of America chase card set of DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Of America CS1 - Sea King & Owlman
This is the CS1 Sea King And Owlman Crime Syndicate Of America chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Of America CS2 - Grid & Ultraman
This is the CS2 Grid And Ultraman Crime Syndicate Of America chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Of America CS4 - Johnny Quick
This is the CS4 Johnny Quick Crime Syndicate Of America chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Of America CS6 - Power Ring
This is the CS6 Power Ring Crime Syndicate Of America chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil Blank Cover BOXTOPPER Card Set - 9 Boxtopper Cards!
This is the complete Forever Evil Blank Cover boxtopper chase card set of DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil Card Set - 9 Chase Cards!
This is the complete Forever Evil chase card set of DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil FE2 - Black Manta
This is the FE2 Black Manta Forever Evil chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil FE3 - Brainiac
This is the FE3 Brainiac Forever Evil chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil FE4 - Deadshot
This is the FE4 Deadshot Forever Evil chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil FE6 - Grodd
This is the FE6 Grodd Forever Evil chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil FE8 - Sinestro
This is the FE8 Sinestro Forever Evil chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Forever Evil FE9 - Solomon Grundy
This is the FE9 Solomon Grundy Forever Evil chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel 10 Blackfire - 06/25
This is the 10 Blackfire Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel 21 Power Ring - 23/25
This is the 21 Power Ring Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel 30 Giganta - 15/25
This is the 30 Giganta Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel 42 Mirror Master - 03/25
This is the 42 Mirror Master Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel 49 Professor Pyg - 04/25
This is the 49 Professor Pyg Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel Crime Syndicate Of America CS1 Sea King And Owlman - 15/25
This is the CS1 Sea King And Owlman Crime Syndicate Of America Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel Forever Evil FE6 Grodd #1 - 08/25
This is the FE6 Grodd #1 Forever Evil Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Gold Parallel Sirens S2 Poison Ivy - 19/25
This is the S2 Poison Ivy Sirens Gold Parallel chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Legion Of Doom Die-Cut Sketch Card - Brainiac By Rich Molinelli
This is a hand-drawn die-cut Legion Of Doom sketch card of Brainiac drawn by Rich Molinelli from the DC Comics Super-Villains trading cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Legion Of Doom Die-Cut Sketch Card - Gorilla Grodd By Erik Maell
This is a hand-drawn die-cut Legion Of Doom sketch card of Gorilla Grodd drawn by Erik Maell from the DC Comics Super-Villains trading cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Legion Of Doom Die-Cut Sketch Card - The Riddler By Faustino
This is a hand-drawn die-cut Legion Of Doom sketch card of The Riddler drawn by Faustino from the DC Comics Super-Villains trading cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Noir Card Set - 9 Chase Cards!
This is the complete Noir chase card set of DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Noir N1 - Bane
This is the N1 Bane Noir chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!

Super-Villains Noir N2 - Catwoman
This is the N2 Catwoman Noir chase card from the DC Comics Super-Villains cards produced by Cryptozoic!