
Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season Two

These are the Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 trading cards and sets available for sale by W.L. Swarts Enterprises! For an overview of the set, please check out my review available at: Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 Trading Cards set review!

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Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 100 Vulcan Chess Master
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 100 Vulcan Chess Master from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 101 Approaching Energy Barrier
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 101 Approaching Energy Barrier from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 102 Attack On The Crew
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 102 Attack On The Crew from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 104 Planet Delta Vega
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 104 Planet Delta Vega from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 107 Battle To The Death
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 107 Battle To The Death from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 108 Fatal Ending
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 108 Fatal Ending from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 91 Captain Kirk
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 91 Captain Kirk from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 93 Gary Mitchell
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 93 Gary Mitchell from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 94 Dr. Elizabeth Dehner
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 94 Dr. Elizabeth Dehner from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 95 Lt. Lee Kelso
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 95 Lt. Lee Kelso from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 96 Scotty
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 96 Scotty from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 97 U.S.S. Enterprise
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 97 U.S.S. Enterprise from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 98 S.S. Valiant Ship Recorder
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 98 S.S. Valiant Ship Recorder from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card 99 Transporter Control
This is the 1967 Expansion Set card 99 Transporter Control from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 1967 Expansion Card Set Of 18 Cards!
This is the 1967 Expansion Set of 18 cards from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A132 James X. Mitchell As Lt. Josephs Autograph Card!
This is the autograph card A132 James X. Mitchell as Lt. Josephs from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A146 Bob Herron As Kahless The Unforgettable Autograph!
This is the autograph card A146 Bob Herron as Kahless The Unforgettable from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives! Sadly, Mr. Heron died on October 10, 2021 and this was one of only two autograph cards he sign

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A147 Deborah Downey Autograph!
This is the autograph card A147 Deborah Downey as Mavig from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A149 Barbara Baldavin ("Balance Of Terror") Autograph!
This is the autograph card A149 Barbara Baldavin as Ensign Martine from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives! Sadly, Ms. Baldavin died on March 31, 2024 and this was one of the nicest cards she signed for Ritte

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A151 Bruce Mars Autograph!
This is the autograph card A151 Bruce Mars as Charley from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A154 Sean Kenney Autograph!
This is the autograph card A154 Sean Kenney as Lt. DePaul from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A156 Arnold Lessing Autograph!
This is the autograph card A156 Arnold Lessing as Lt. Carlyle from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A164 Stewart Moss (D.) As Hanar Autograph!
This is the autograph card A164 Stewart Moss as Hanar from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives! Sadly, Mr. Moss died on September 13, 2017 and this was the only card he signed as this character!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A165 Celeste Yarnall As Yeoman Landon Autograph Card!
This is the autograph card A165 Celeste Yarnall as Yeoman Landon from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives! Sadly, Ms. Yarnall died on October 7, 2018 and this was the best, full-bleed autograph card she signe

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A177 Melvin Caesar Belli Autograph!
This is the autograph card A77 Melvin Caesar Belli as Steve from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A183 Lloyd Kino Autograph!
This is the autograph card A183 Lloyd Kino as Wu from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives! Sadly, Mr. Kino died on July 21, 2012 and this was one of the few cards he ever signed.

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A184 Derek Partridge As Dionyd Autograph!
This is the autograph card A184 Derek Partridge as Dionyd from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 A186 Louie Elias Autograph!
This is the autograph card A186 Louie Elias as engineering technician from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives! Sadly, Mr. Elias died on December 13, 2017 and this was the only card he signed!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 Charlie X Revised 22
This is the Charlie X Revised card 22 from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!

Star Trek 40th Anniversary Season 2 Charlie X Revised 23
This is the Charlie X Revised card 23 from the "Star Trek" 40th Anniverary Season Two cards produced by Rittenhouse Archives!