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These are the Star Trek First Edition Reflections gaming cards available for sale from W.L. Swarts Enterprises! For more information on this set of cards, please check out my review at: Star Trek Reflections CCG Set Review!

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Reflections Boxtopper Exclusive Foil Personnel - Borg Gowron Of Borg
This is the Gowron Of Borg boxtopper foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Boxtopper Exclusive Foil Personnel - Romulan Dr. Telek R'Mor
This is the Dr. Telek R'Mor boxtopper foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Artifact Data's Head
This is the Data's Head super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Artifact Horga'hn
This is the Horga'hn super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Dilemma Cytherians
This is the Cytherians super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Dilemma Q
This is the Q super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Facility - Cardassian Central Command
This is the Central Command super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Facility - Romulan Office Of The Proconsul
This is the Office Of The Proconsul super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Cardassian Dukat
This is the Dukat super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Dominion Founder Leader
This is the Founder Leader super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Federation Deanna Troi
This is the Deanna Troi super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Federation Tasha Yar - Alternate
This is the Tasha Yar - Alternate super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Federation Worf
This is the Worf super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Klingon Governor Worf
This is the Governor Worf super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Klingon Gowron
This is the Gowron super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!
$15.00 $14.00

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Klingon Lursa
This is the Lursa super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Non-Aligned Dathon
This is the Dathon super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Non-Aligned Madam Guinan
This is the Madam Guinan super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Non-Aligned Roga Danar
This is the Roga Danar super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Personnel - Romulan/Federation Major Rakal
This is the Major Rakal super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Super Rare Foil Ship - Borg Queen's Borg Cube
This is the Queen's Borg Cube super rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Artifact Betazoid Gift Box
This is the Betazoid Gift Box very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Artifact Cryosatellite
This is the Cryosatellite very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Artifact Magic Carpet Ride OCD
This is the Magic Carpet Ride OCD very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Artifact Ressikan Flute
This is the Ressikan Flute very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Dilemma Crystalline Entity
This is the Crystalline Entity very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Dilemma DNA Clues
This is the DNA Clues very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Dilemma Scout Encounter
This is the Scout Encounter very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Dilemma Yuta
This is the Yuta very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!

Reflections Very Rare Foil Event Interrogation
This is the Interrogation very rare foil card from the "Star Trek" Reflections gaming cards produced by Decipher!